In this post we will have a high level look at the new features or enhancements which are available in this release.
MicroStrategy Desktop 10.2
- Intuitive menu driven option to integrate D3 or any other custom visualizations. No need to follow the manual process of copying the visualizations files into the plug in folder etc.
- Annotate and share capability which was previously there in MicroStrategy Mobile is now available in MicroStrategy Desktop as well with this release. Now users can annotate a dashboard, take screen shots and share the information.
- Data labelling option on maps is improved. Users can now display markers on areas of maps, show contextual metric values and area names. Data labels can now be formatted as well.
- Image layout visualization with support for HTML5 introduced. This featured is turned off by default and needs to be turned on.
MicroStrategy Enterprise 10.2
- Now it is possible to create document themes which can be reused across multiple documents within the project.This can help save a lot of formatting effort. Any formatting change in the theme will be automatically propagated to all the documents using the theme.
- Now it would be possible to easily replace the underlying dataset of a document with a different dataset in order to leverage the document design for a different purpose.Documents will be able to automatically reconcile all differences between the two datasets.
- With 10.2 MicroStrategy would be able to automatically choose an attribute for optimal partition of the cubes.
- Apart from that administrators would also be able to specify an attribute based on which they would want to partition cubes.
- With 10.2 users would be able to customize their home-screens to a great extent. They can now add their favourite reports, view most recent reports, embed videos, add HTML containers, embed social media posts and many more.Thus users would be able customize home screens real estate to get the first snapshot of the information they prefer.
- If there are certain changes in the Cube like changes in attribute relationship, partition stratetgy etc. then it would no longer be required to republish the cubes after making the changes.
- Labels now available under every dataset to quickly know if the dataset is live or in memory.
- The installation and deployment process has been improved with fewer steps and clicks. This would reduce the overall installation and configuration time.
- HP-UX Server OS support is withdrawn.
MicroStrategy Usher 10.2 Security
- Administrators can now control access to the organizations BI system based on location services or Bluetooth.
- An additional Usher Professional Analyst role is introduced having access to Usher Professional but Network Manager.
- Multiple new pre-built gateways introduced
- Users will be able to approve or trigger a beacon action through the Apple Watch Glance or Today View extensions.
- Users now have the ability to bulk upload beacon information via CSV. Usher will import the information which includes the beacon name, message, UUID, and status.
- Full prompting functionality is now supported in offline mode.
- With MicroStrategy 10.2, business users will be able to create, schedule and manage their subscriptions from the mobile client.
- Now, the Attribute Object selector capability that was supported in Web is also supported in MicroStrategy Mobile.
- Users now have a simpler and more intuitive experience when drilling on grids from their phone or tablet.
- End users can intuitively interact with D3 visualizations using native gestures such as tapand-hold, swipe and pinch-to-zoom.
- App designers can decide the level of granularity (hour, day, month, etc.) that makes sense to view as the default for Calendar.
- Users can tap on data points to link drill to other reports. The context of the tap is used to pass answers to linked prompted reports.
- End users can sort multimedia objects ascending or descending by name or time stamp.
- This new feature will allow the app designer to set—at the transaction action selector level—whether the transaction should be available in offline mode or not.
- App designers can now turn off the offline confirmation message if desired.
- The MicroStrategy Mobile SDK and integration points of MicroStrategy Mobile with AirWatch and MobileIron are now compatible and certified for iOS9
- Version 10.2 offers enhanced parity between Android and iOS products in features and capabilities.
- Business users can quickly switch between online and offline mode
- Users now have the option of logging out of the app on demand. This will close the user session on the server, purge the credentials and remove cache files if desired
- Validate the user’s input by data type, numeric type or numeric range.
- Image Layout widget support in offline mode
- App designers can now allow project access via Usher authentication.
MicroStrategy has published a detailed brochure on what is new in this 10.2 release. You may read that below for a detailed understanding of the new features.