Download MicroStrategy Guides, Tutorials and other resources

Hi All,

While doing research on multiple features of the tool and also while work, we encounter a lot of free resources freely available over the internet. However most the time we really do not book mark them and they really get lost. And next time we end up searching them once again investing precious time and energy.

Here is an attempt to consolidate resources related to different topic on MicroStrategy freely available on the internet. I would continue to refine this page with time as we progress.

MicroStrategy Webinars

MicroStrategy Design and Development

1> MicroStrategy World 2014 presentation on Data Blending

MicroStrategy 10.x

1> MicroStrategy 10.2 New Features
2> The way forward for MicroStrategy and Flash technology from version 10 onwards
3> MicroStrategy 10 Product documentation

MicroStrategy Cloud

1> MicroSoft Secure Cloud Security Framework
2> MicroStrategy Cloud Brochure
3> MicroStrategy Cloud FAQ
4> MicroStrategy Secure Cloud Capabilities

MicroStrategy on AWS

1> MicroStrategy on AWS FAQ
2> MicroStrategy on AWS presentation at MicroStrategy World 
3> Reference architecture guide for MicroStrategy on AWS

MicroStrategy Support

1> MicroStrategy Support Contact
2> MicroStrategy Product Support Expiration Schedule
3> Best Practice Tech Note for joining multiple datasets in a RSD i.e. data blending

MicroStrategy Best Practices

MicroStrategy Interview Question Bank